100 days to go

On July 27th, the European Maccabi Games 2015 begin in Berlin. A visit in the EMG2015 office
By André Anchuelo
Welcome to Games of reconciliation

How Berlin prepares for the European Maccabi Games 2015 with 2000 Jewish athletes
By Jan Schapira
Maccabi GB Squash Squads Selected for European Maccabi Games 2015

Maccabi GB is delighted to announce the latest Team Maccabi GB squads who will be competing at this summer’s European Maccabi Games (EMG) 2015 in Berlin – the Open and Masters Squash teams.
A sportive date with history

“If not now, when then?”, asks Oren Osterer. This year is the right time for the European Maccabi Games 2015 in Berlin. It’s 70 years after the end of the Shoah and the 50th anniversary of German-Israeli relations.
By Jens Schneider and Javier Cáceres
The EMG2015 featured on the website of the Berlin Fencing Association

There is now an article about the European Maccabi Games 2015 on the Website of the Berlin Fencing Association (Berliner Fechterbund e.V.)
Sabine Auken: Everybody loves an underdog

Sabine Auken is the bridge patron of the EMG2015. Laura Camponeschi took the opportunity to interview her for the Neapolitan Club.
By Laura Camponeschi
The European Maccabi Games come to Berlin

On March 26, the EMG2015 organization committee visited Gottfried Ludewig. Read his report.
By Gottfried Ludewig
Premiere: Berlin invites to the first Berlin Sports Week

With or without the Olympics: Berlin is the capital of sports. The sportive potential of Berlin will be bundled this year for the first time: From May 30 to July 6, the first Berlin Sports Week will take place. Berlin shows its sportive side with matches, outdoor events and various activities.
Jewish way of life still thriving in central Europe

In Cafe Elfenbein, which opened last year in a trendy Berlin neighborhood, two businessmen wearing yarmulkes — Jewish skullcaps — chat away. Find out more about the Jewish lifestyle.
By Katarina Wecker and Maya Vidon